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Ashlynn Duffey

How love and longevity go hand in hand

The secret to living a long and happy life.

The most important things in life are the connections you make with others. ― Tom Ford

From the moment we're born, we crave connection. Babies cry for their mother's touch, and as we grow, we build friendships that can last a lifetime. Love and human connection are like the mortar that binds the bricks of life together, forming a strong foundation that can withstand the test of time.

Connection to longevity

Imagine a journey through time, back to the storybook days of your grandparents or great-grandparents. They might not have had pelotons or techy modern day medicine, but they did have something priceless: strong, genuine connections with family, friends, and their communities.

In recent years, science has been unraveling the mysteries behind the profound impact of love and human connection on longevity.

Have you ever heard of the "blue zones"? These are regions around the world where people tend to live the longest, healthiest lives. Researchers like Dan Buettner have found that one of the common factors in these blue zones is strong social connections and a sense of community. Take Okinawa, Japan, for example, where the concept of "moai" emphasizes forming lifelong social circles. These connections provide not only emotional support but also a reason to stay active and engaged in life.

So, how exactly does love and human connection contribute to a longer, healthier life?

1. Stress reduction

Love, whether romantic or platonic, has a remarkable ability to lower stress levels. When we're in the company of loved ones, our bodies release oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone." This hormone counteracts the stress hormone cortisol, helping to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

2. Emotional Resilience

When we go through challenging times, it's our network of friends and family who offer support, empathy, and a shoulder to lean on. This emotional support helps us weather life's storms with grace and resilience.

3. Physical Health

Research has shown that those who maintain strong connections tend to engage in healthier behaviors. From exercise partners to cooking nutritious meals together, love and connection can foster a healthier lifestyle. In fact, studies have found that married couples tend to live longer and are more likely to recover from serious illnesses.

4. Purpose and Motivation

Love and human connection provide a profound sense of purpose. Whether it's caring for a child, supporting a partner, or working with a team, these connections give our lives meaning and motivation. This sense of purpose can be a driving force behind staying active and engaged throughout our lives.

5. Cognitive Health

A rich social life has been linked to better cognitive health as we age. Engaging in conversations, learning new things, and sharing experiences with friends and loved ones can help keep our minds sharp and ward off conditions like dementia.

But how can we cultivate these connections in a fast-paced world where social media often substitutes for face-to-face interactions?

How to enhance and create connections

It begins with being present. Put down your phone during dinner and really listen to your partner or friend. Make time for meaningful conversations. Nurture your friendships and actively seek out new connections. Join clubs or organizations that align with your interests. Engage in activities that allow you to meet like-minded people. As the saying goes, you've got to give love to get love, and that applies to friendships too.

Here are some key strategies to help you foster and deepen meaningful connections:

Actively listen

One of the most important skills in building connections is active listening. When you engage in a conversation, truly focus on the speaker, show empathy, and ask open-ended questions to encourage them to share more. This demonstrates your genuine interest in what they have to say.

Be authentic

Be your true self when connecting with others. Pretending to be someone you're not can hinder meaningful connections. Authenticity creates trust and allows others to relate to you on a deeper level.

Be vulnerable

Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, even when they make you feel vulnerable, can lead to more meaningful connections. It allows others to see your humanity and often encourages them to open up as well.

Share quality time

Spend quality time with the people you want to connect with. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in digital distractions. Put away your phone and focus on the person in front of you.

Share experiences

Shared experiences create bonds. Whether it's working on a project together, traveling, or just enjoying a meal, these shared moments can forge lasting connections.

The warmth of a hug, the laughter shared with friends, the strength of a loving relationship – these are the things that help keep our hearts beating longer and our souls thriving. Cherish those connections, love deeply, and let the light of your heart lead your path towards a long and fulfilling journey.

Here's to a long, loving life!

~ Ashlynn

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Meet the Author

Hi! I'm Ashlynn, a free-spirited, curious, and passionate soul. I'm a blogger, brand manager, and traveler. I love a lot of things and the first that come to mind are cooking for myself and loved ones, spending time in nature, riding horses, my dog Indi, a great yoga practice, and time with my loved ones.

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