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Ashlynn Duffey

Health is not seasonal

And how to maintain a healthy immune system year-round,

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ― Will Durant

With fall around the corner, there's a lot we have to look forward to. Cooler days, bonfires at night, leaves changing colors... oh the beauty of it all. But with this season, we also see an increase in sniffly noses and flu. It seems that because of this, it's not uncommon to start taking health more seriously around this time of year. Afterall, it is no fun being sick!

But here's what I want to emphasize; health is not seasonal, if you take care of your health year-round, you'll be far less likely to catch a bug, and if you do, you'll likely recover much quicker.

Things to do annually

Our immune systems work 24/7 and for that should be a year-round commitment. There are certain things you should be incorporating into your everyday life that are fundamental for a healthy immune system. They provide the necessary building blocks for resiliency.

Ed Mylett made a really interesting point on a recent podcast episode. It went something like this; sometimes people don't take care of their bodies because they may not see or feel the immediate results. Rather, it takes about 60 to 90 days to notice a difference. So, it's like waking up and reading today's newspaper with a headline from 60 to 90 days ago. His point highlights why it's important to do these things before sniffles season starts!

Eat well

Eating a healthy, low-inflammatory diet year round is crucial to maintaining a healthy immune system. Eating a diet filled with plenty of healthy fats, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and protein, will give your immune system a balanced ecosystem to thrive in.

Note that everybody is different, so what may be anti-inflammatory for you may cause an inflammatory response in someone else. If you're interested to know more about your individualized dietary needs, I recommend taking a test to find out more.

Seasonal eating

It's important to note that as seasons change, so can the meats and produce on our plates. This is a good thing! Prior to the commercialization of the food industry, humans were eating the crop and produce that was yielded for each season. That meant no watermelon during autumn, but instead things such as cranberries and apples. In fact, research shows that the diversity of our meals are linked to a stronger, healthier immune system. See fall meals here!


Regular physical activity and exercise play a crucial role in enhancing and maintaining a healthy immune system. Engaging in exercise prompts a series of beneficial physiological responses within our bodies. It can increase the circulation of immune cells, making it easier for them to detect and combat infections. It can reduce chronic inflammation, which can weaken the immune system over time. It contributes to stress reduction, which, when chronic, can suppress immune function. Something as simple as walking for 30 minutes a day has been linked to a stronger immune system!


Making sure your body is getting an adequate daily dose of immune boosting vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, etc. is crucial to healthy immune function. Be sure that who you purchase your vitamins from are GMP certified and are third-party tested for fillers and heavy metals. I like this brand for their quality standards, and they're super affordable.

Something to be noted is that if you live somewhere that turns gray during the colder months, you may want to test your Vitamin D levels to see if you should up your dose.

Gut health

The #guthealth trend has taken off in recent days on social media, and for good reason. Studies show that 70% of the immune system is in the gut. It's like a command center for our body's defenses. It's full of bacteria that help keep us healthy (as long as it's healthy and balanced). Eating fermented foods, foods rich in fiber, and healthy fats are basic ways to maintain gut health. When our gut is in good shape, so is our immune system.

If you struggle with your gut, I suggest speaking with your doctor about taking a GI Map test such as this one from Genova Diagnostics.


Modern tech and AI has pulled up to the health scene, and I'm here for it. Technologies such as infrared ozone saunas, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, and cryotherapy chambers are becoming more and more common and readily accessible. I suggest doing some research into these and seeing how they could help you!

Embracing a holistic approach to immune system support, one that is not confined to the calendar's seasons, is key to ensuring our bodies are well-prepared to fend off illnesses and remain in optimal health throughout the year.

Here's to a healthy you!

~ Ashlynn



Meet the Author

Hi! I'm Ashlynn, a free-spirited, curious, and passionate soul. I'm a blogger, brand manager, and traveler. I love a lot of things and the first that come to mind are cooking for myself and loved ones, spending time in nature, riding horses, my dog Indi, a great yoga practice, and time with my loved ones.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Sandy Dunes

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